Jones Family Farm Index

These are some of the photos we were invited to take at the Jones Family Farms located in the White Hills section in Shelton, CT, which is sort of a North suburb.

Jones Family Farm - Jones Family Farms is a good example of a true working Connecticut Farm.

It is very much in the country and is a desirable place to live and visit, with lots of scenic rolling hills and winding roads.

Strawberry Picking Season - Mr. Jones and his family have been living here for a long time. The farm has been passed down from generation to generation, with each adding to it in a very special way.
Grandpa Philip and his wife Elizabeth are very special people and friendly. They have done a lot for the community and are very involved in the Historical society.

Blueberry Picking Season
- This area also holds a lot of history. There are still old homesteads standing that were built in the 1700's. We are fortunate to have many pictures of the farms in this area, having been hired to take photos for the Shelton Annual Report several years in a row.

Pumpkin Picking Season
- Grandpa Philip Jones is also a Civil War buff. Even though this area was not directly involved in the Civil War, they held War Games here. The troops camped in these hills and held a mock war between the reds and the blues.

Christmas Tree Season
- Also back in these hills is an old copper mine. But it has not been used for a long time and is overgrown with bushes and weeds. They've been doing a lot of building of new homes in this area and they are pretty pricey.

They build houses pretty fast nowadays and every time we go up to this area, there's another neighborhood being added.

This information is gathered from our own personal trips to Shelton CT. Information on the pages may change as far as restaurants, hotels, things to do, etc.

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Vlad and Carol Kononov
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