Directions to Jones Family Farm
The main street that Jones Family Farms is located on is Route 110 north.From the center of downtown Shelton, follow Hwy. 110 north. It is very scenic.
You will pass historical Riverview Park, then Indian Well State Park and then proceed up a real large hill.
At the top of the hill is a traffic light.
Go straight through this light and in a couple of miles
you'll start seeing signs for Jones Family Farms.
Depending on whether you want to pick blueberries, strawberries, or pumpkins will determine which way you go.
But the Jones Family is pretty good at putting out seasonal signs to their fields so you won't get lost.
The first farm you pass by is going to be the Beardsley Farm, on the left.
They have just built a cider mill, you'll spot right away.
This is going to be a pretty popular place in the Fall.
The Beardsley Farm also grows organic vegetables.
- Visit Jones Family Farms in Shelton CT - Pictures
- Strawberry Picking in CT - Jones Farm Shelton
- Blueberry Picking CT - Jones Farm Shelton Pictures
- Jones Family Pumpkin Farm in Shelton CT
- Jones Tree Farm Shelton - Christmas in Connecticut
- Jones Family Farm - Shelton Connecticut - Pictures
Jones Family Farm
Beardsley Farm History
Lyman Farm Orchard
Connecticut Farm Bureau
Holcomb Farm
Weir Historic Farm
Flamig Farm in the Farmington Valley