Veterans Memorial Dedication

These are a few of the photos taken of the Veterans Memorial dedication held on the new downtown riverfront.

They tried to hold the services the day before Memorial Day, but it was cancelled due to rain.

So they scheduled it for the next weekend.

The Unveiling

The mayor of Shelton, Mark Lauretti, did the unveiling of four large pieces, each etched with the different wars on the front,

World War I

World War II

the Korean War and Vietnam War

MIA - POW The mayor arrives

On the back of the memorials are engraved the names of the men and women of Shelton who lost their lives during these wars.

It's very beautifully done. There is also a Veterans Memorial at Riverview Park.

Covered monuments A tribute and song

Also see the Memorial Day Parade and the Memorial at night

Veterans Memorial Rifle salute

More Pictures of the Memorials

- The World War 1 Memorial front... World War 1 Memorial
- World War 1 Memorial back... World War 1 Memorial names
- The World War 2 Memorial front... World War 2 Memorial front
- World War 2 Memorial back... World War 2 Memorial names
- The Korean War Memorial front... Korean War Memorial front
- Korean War Memorial back... Korean War Memorial names
- The Vietnam War Memorial front... Vietnam War Memorial front
- Vietnam War Memorial back... Vietnam War Memorial names
- View of the Memorials from across the street... view from Farmer's market
- Pictures taken from behind the memorials looking south... river view
- also see the Veteran's Memorial made into a float at the parade... Memorial float

This information is gathered from our own personal trips to Shelton CT. Information on the pages may change as far as restaurants, hotels, things to do, etc.

Photo use restricted © copyright 2004-2025
Vlad and Carol Kononov
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